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Taking everyday harmless objects, Theadora Ballantyne-Way fuses them into romanticised suburban landscapes in the great tradition of surrealist art.


In much of her practice, mundane utensils become monumental industrial components; a transformation that elevates them into objects of aesthetic consideration and bizarre emblems of middle-class terror. Her enlargement of these objects are as much a critique of consumer habits as they are a celebration of the surreal – a playful conceit on the rich history of the English pastoral.


Probing at our sense of perception, her use of the textures and antiquated processes of traditional printmaking produces a false sense of legitimacy; one that is at odds with most contemporary image production.

Theadora studied at the University of Reading, St Martins and has recently completed an MA in multidisciplinary printmaking. She specialises in traditional photographic printmaking processes, including Polymer Photogravure. Theadora’s work has been selected internationally and for exhibitions hosted by the Royal Academy of Arts, Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers and Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair.

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